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Where to buy plums?

Michigan plums are grown on the west and east sides of the state along the Great Lakes and on ridges and hills which help to moderate winter temperatures. Michigan plums are available in season from farm stands, farmer markets, specialty markets, grocery stores, and u-pick operations.

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Plum Varieties

The three major categories of plums are the European, Japanese, and American types, with a wide array of colors, shapes, textures, flavors and uses.

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Plum Recipes

The sweet and tart qualities, interesting textures, and flavors of the various plum types make it a favorite of the gourmet cook. Recipes ranging from the simple to the exotic offer a neat way to provide interest, great taste, and variety to your snacks, meals and table.

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Michigan Plum Growers Association

© 2012 - Forever, Michigan Plum Growers Advisory Group. All Rights Reserved. site: Cloudyreason

Michigan Plum Growers Advisory Group
12800 Escanaba Drive Suite A
Dewitt, MI 48820-8680

Phone : 517.669.4250
Fax: 517.669.4251

Michigan Plums. All rights reserved.

©2012-forever. site design: Cloudyreason

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